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ATS Broadband

Stunning Solutions Sensible Price

ATS Broadband is one of the leading Integrated Facilities Management Services provider companies in India. Our Integrated Services include IT related project management, Internet Lease Line & Broadband Services, website designing, SEO, SMS, Networking, IT related consultancy services, management and maintenance of IT operations. We have group of professional’s as well as individual’s working dedicatedly from home in various cities in India and abroad, providing spectrum of services to client companies from industries and markets, including aviation, healthcare, education, government, mission-critical commercial facilities.

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Profile ->Our Services

ATS Broadband offers 12+ inter-dependent services modules to its clients to enable better management, maintenance and execution of its operations. The system is further augmented by advanced modules that provides unrivalled capacity in mobile application as well as comprehensive integration interfaces with the external control systems and information management systems.

  1. Application Development Web/Desktop(Websites and Software’s)
  2. E-Marketing Center – Provides, undertakes creation of E-Marketing Facilities and systems through various channels i.e. Email Marketing, SEO, SMS, Directory Submission, Link Submission and Link exchange.
  3. Asset Center – Management, Maintenance, Execution and Operation of IT Facilities. 
  4. Human Resources Center – Manage, Maintain and Operate Human Resources requirements of Facilities and Work Center.
  5. Work Center - Provides support for creation and management of the entire work order process.
  6. Back Office Support Call Center – Back Office Support Call Centre Services, for Marketing Calls, follow ups, messaging, e-marketing etc.
  7. After Sales Support Services – We have a network of offices and preferred business partners to provide efficient and prompt after sales support services to our clients.
  8. Customer Relation Center – we have as part of Business Development initiative expertise in Customer relationship on behalf of clients.

9. Network End-to-End Solution -
We  provide  wide-range  of  networking  solutions  on  passive  and  active  network  infrastructure equipments. Our solution covers LAN, WAN, VSAT, RF, Internet Lease Line & Broadband access, IP Telephony, Voice, Video. 

10 .Facility Management Services ( IT Infrastructure) -
Our  Facility Management Services are based on ITIL frame work, covering every aspect of IT infrastructure support  from  installations  to  complete maintenance  services.  We  provide  highly  qualified,  certified support  professionals in the  industry.  Our team  is  focused  on  customer  satisfaction,  proven global systems and process for delivering superior & consistent service.

11. Information Security & Storage -
We offer unique and comprehensive storage solutions for effectively managing and storing enterprise information. Our solutions strongly emphasis on information availability, integration and distribution on a variety of platforms and in diverse computing environments.

12. System Integration -
Group of integration experts who plan and execute complete IT  projects  from  designing,  implementing  and  testing,  to training  and  support.  Our solutions  are  based  on  winning combinations of infrastructure, hardware and software. It's also backed  with  advanced  information  security  solutions and customized applications.

13. Project Management -
Project management is one of the most important aspects of any technology deployment & ATS Broadband  offers both on-site and online project management options that suit your business needs. New  stores,  remodel  stores  and  rollout  projects  require  superior  project  management  methods
throughout  the development,  design  and installation  of all  network cabling  and technology  projects. ATS Broadband expert project managers are focused on meeting your business requirements. Our project management services not only include a dedicated Project Manager assigned to your job, but we also offer online project management tools to optimize your project development and communications.
Our experts can monitor your servers and other IT equipments even from a remote location so that it performs at its best all the time.
Back Office Support Call Center - We operated 24/7 Call Centre in our offices to deal with our Customer’s requirement to ensure uninterrupted service support.

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About us.

Mission – To be the best services provider of One-stop Integrated Facilities (IT Environment) Management and operations that add value to the business.

Geography will be History.

Quality Policy - We commit ourselves to providing reliable and quality managed Services and enhancing our customer’s satisfaction through continual improvements in our Quality Management System.


ATS Broadband is one of the leading Integrated Facilities Management Services provider companies in India. Our Integrated Services include IT related project management, website designing, SEO, SMS, Networking, IT related consultancy services, management and maintenance of IT operations. We have group of professional’s as well as individual’s working dedicatedly from home in various cities in India and abroad, providing spectrum of services to client companies from industries and markets, including aviation, healthcare, education, government, mission-critical commercial facilities.

Established in 2006 ATS Broadband started its operations in India. With more than 6 years of IT Solutions track record, ATS Broadband offers its client reliable support and proven expertise in managing their mission-critical facilities and operations. Our staff strength of more than 50 direct employees, together with our preferred business partners, deliver best-in-class service standard to our clients.

We are determined to be the industry leader in Integrated Facilities Management Services, involving and including well trained and efficient workers, with the right attitude towards work and skills suitable to achieve the defined high level of productivity for ATS Broadband and its esteemed clients.
We constantly strive to exceed client's expectations, placing emphasis on our service level, working standards as well as workplace health and safety standards. Experience gained over the years has enabled us to tailor our wide range of services to meet the needs of our clients.

Our Branches and Preferred Business Partners Network- New Delhi, Amritsar, Indore, Jaipur, Baroda, Lucknow, Agra, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Cochin, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pondicherry, Pune.

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Term and Condition

Accessto and use of this website is subject to the following conditions. Please do notuse this website unless you agree with these conditions. This website has beendeveloped by Smtpserver (hereinafter to be referredto as ATS Broadband) and is administered by the same. We reserve the right todiscontinue or to make partial or complete modifications to this website or tothe General Conditions of Use, to our General Terms and Conditions, and to ourConditions of Sale and Delivery. Please note that we may make such changes atour own discretion and without prior announcement. We must therefore ask you,next time you visit this website, to view the conditions again and to note anychanges or amendments that may have been made.

Surrender of use and benefit
all details, documents and illustrations published on this website are the soleproperty of ATS Broadband. Any permission to use the same is granted on theproviso that the relevant copyright note is displayed on all copies, that suchdetails are only used for personal purposes, that they are not exploitedcommercially, that the details are not modified in any way and that allillustrations gained from the website are only used in conjunction with theaccompanying text.

Trademarks and copyright
All trademarks on this website are the property of the Smtpserver, unlessotherwise noted or in any other way perceivable as third party rights. Anyunauthorized use of these trademarks or other materials is expressly prohibitedand constitutes a violation of copyright, trademark law or other industrialproperty rights.

If you are an Online or month-to-month Subscriber or have a "Pay as you Go"account: You may cancel the Services at any time by calling 8447110009.
If you have a signed Written Agreement with ATS Broadband thetermination provision found in the Written Agreement applies.
ATS Broadband reserves the right to suspend or terminate Servicesif ATS Broadband, in its sole discretion, believes that theServices are used for a purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Termsor any notices.
ATS Broadband shall have no responsibility to notify any third-party,including any third party providers of services, merchandise or information, ofany suspension, restriction or termination of your account. PratibhaTotal ITSolutions shall have no obligation to maintain any messages or other content inyour account or forward any unread or unsent message to you or any third party.
Any termination of your account shall not relieve you from any amounts owing orany other liability accruing under this Agreement prior to the time that such terminationbecomes effective.

ATS Broadband has compiled the detailed information provided on this website frominternal and external sources to the best of its knowledge and belief, usingprofessional diligence. We endeavor to expand and update this range ofinformation on an ongoing basis. The information on this website is purely forthe purpose of presenting ATS Broadband and its products and services. However, norepresentation is made or warranty given, either expressly or tacitly, for thecompleteness or correctness of the information on this website. Please be awarethat this information although accurate on the day it was published may nolonger be up to date. We therefore recommend that you check any information youobtain from this website prior to using it in whatever form. Advice given onthis website does not exempt you from conducting your own checks on our latestadvice – particularly our safety datasheets and technical specifications – ad onour products, with a view to their suitability for the intended processes andpurposes. Should you require any advice or instructions concerning our productsor services, please contact us directly. Users of this website declare thatthey agree to access the website and its content at their own risk. Neither ATS Broadband nor third parties involved in the writing, production ortransmission of this website can be held liable for damage or injury resultingfrom access or the impossibility of access or from the use or impossibility ofuse of this website or from the fact that you have relied on information givenon this website.

Websites of third-party vendors/links
this website contains links/references to third-party websites. By providingsuch links, ATS Broadband does not give its approval to their contents. Neitherdoes ATS Broadband accept any responsibility for the availability or the contentsof such websites or any liability for damage or injury resulting from the useof such contents, of whatever form. ATS Broadband offers no guarantee that pageslinked to provide information of consistent quality. Links to other websitesare provided to website users merely for the sake of convenience. Users accesssuch websites at their own risk. The choice of links should in no way restrictusers to the linked pages.

Details supplied by yourself
The user of this website is fully responsible for the content and correctnessof details he or she sends to ATS Broadband as well as for the non-violation ofany third-party rights that may be involved in such details. The user gives hisor her consent for ATS Broadband to store such details and to use the same for thepurpose of statistical analysis or for any other specified business purpose,unless the information involves personal details, going beyond master data orusage data as defined in Indian Law. In particular, ATS Broadband is entitled touse the contents of such messages, including ideas, inventions, blueprints,techniques and expertise contained therein, for any purpose, such as the development,production and/or marketing of products or services and to reproduce suchinformation and make it available to third parties without any limitations.

International users
this website is checked operated and updated by ATS Broadband at Delhi, India. It’sintended for international use. However ATS Broadband gives no guarantee that thedetails presented on this website are correct worldwide, and, in particular,that products and services will be available with the same appearance, in thesame sizes or on the same conditions throughout the world. Should you call upthis website or download contents, please note that it is your ownresponsibility to ensure that you act in compliance with local legislationapplicable in that place.

Products mentioned on this website may come in different packaging, indifferentpackage sizes, or with different lettering or markings, depending on thecountry.

In the India the business of the Smtpserver is conducted by ATS Broadband. Customers in the India are requested to address to this entity.

Sale of ATS Broadband Products
our products are sold in accordance with the current version of our GeneralConditions of Sale and Delivery.


You agree that these Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordancewith the laws of the Province of Delhi (except its choice of laws rules), and you here by consent and at torn to the jurisdiction of such province and agreethat all disputes shall be tried in the city of Delhi India. Your expressly waive any right, and agree not to have any dispute under the Terms tried or otherwise determined by a jury, except where required by law.

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Privacy Policy

Our Promise
ATS Broadband will respect your privacy and ensure that all sensitive and personal information provided to us is lawfully processed and held in accordance to the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal/sensitive information is deemed to be any information that identifies a living individual.

Controlling your information
ATS Broadband will control the data you supply and we agree to collect and control this information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. ATS Broadband contact information can be found on the contact page of our website.

How do we collect information?
We collect information from you when you submit an enquiry, visit our site, call us for information and send us an email. The information we collect is:

Using your information
We will only use the information you provide us with to:

ATS Broadband will not sell or share your personal data with others.

ATS Broadband endeavor to keep all personal information that they store up to date. We will amend any information we find to be inaccurate or are informed is inaccurate at our earliest convenience.

To ensure com pliance with the data protection act 1998 ATS Broadband are happy to supply you with any details they hold about you. There is a £10 admin fee for requests of this nature.

Online activities
ATS Broadband collect information from your visit to our site. This information is only used to track browsing patterns and cannot be used to identify you personally.

To prevent the unauthorized access or disclosure of your personal information ATS Broadband have put in place all reasonable Physical, electronic and managerial systems required. If you are asked to enter sensitive personal information pertaining to payment details ATS Broadband ensure 128bit SSL encryption is in place via our merchant provider.

ATS Broadband reserved the right change this privacy policy at any time.

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